BLOAT After reading the article about Phayzme in the GD Reporter.....I bought it and
put it in my Dane pail.
After reading Ranea's account of Sandor's bloat..........I double checked to see that the Phayzme was still there.
....thank goodness it was.....I have come to realize that ladyR has been bloating since she was 3 months old. Just now am building her system up to prepare her for the gastroplexy.......
Two weeks ago she had done the bloat thing....there was alot of discussion on the list about causes.....
I feel reasonably sure that the cause for ladyR's problem is indeed stress. Today I was home all day but she and I and Oreo had to stay in one part of the house while the daddy cleaned all the grout in the house with sulfamic acid, she whined and pined to be with him, not bad....just really wanted to be up his butt as usual. When he was finished....she ate, played, peed, pooped ......and then stood stock still in the kitchen with her ears flat, tail all the way down, with THAT look in her eye...then she started her restless antics, then drool.....5 minutes of this....then I did PHAYZME....1 down the hatch....5 more minutes of restless.....I popped a hole in the second Phayzme and squeezed the liquid into the back of her mouth and gave her a tiny bit of water to make it go down within '' 5 '' minutes... 5 minutes, folks....she was on the couch ....sound asleep.
No more drool/ restlessness. Tummy flat.
She was still sleeping 3 hours later, got up to pee... then slept through the night.
These episodes used to last 1-3 hours of vomiting, retching etc.
This one was 15 minutes from onset to sleep with no vomiting.
I feel great ! ! !
IMHO....Phayzme needs to be in every Dane First Aid kit. Even if you disagree or don't believe, it just might come in handy. The lady in the GD Reporter article injected it directly into the stomach during a late stage bloat....the dog survived.
The Phayzme I have is Maximum Strength - 125mg simethicone....
I gave her 2...she weighs 135 lbs.
I tasted tastes like dull nutrasweet. ..
at this moment it feels like a small miracle !
Good night everyone and everyDane...kisses for all our
p.s....I just put 2 in my purse too. And 2 in glove compartment.